Conference Registration and Fees

Early birdStandard
ADHO member250350
Non-ADHO member350450
Developing Countries (ADHO members)150250
Developing Countries (non-ADHO members)200300
Least Developing Countries00
Students (ADHO members)2550
Students (non-ADHO members)6590
Online Participant (ADHO members)125125
Online Participant (non-ADHO members)165165
Banquet fees8080

Registration will be made via ConfTool (LIVE NOW!).

The Early Bird registration period will last until May 4, 2025. From May 5, 2024, the standard conference fees will be applicable. Registration will close on June 2, 2025.

We hope to welcome as many of our colleagues at NOVA FCSH in Lisbon, but there will also be an Online Participation option for those who cannot join us onsite. Online participants will only be able to watch the sessions, but not to ask questions or to interact with the session presenters or moderators.

Special reduced fees are available for participants from Developing Countries (see definition and list here). Aiming the inclusion and accessibility motto of the conference, colleagues (including students) from the Least Developing Countriesas defined by the UN, will not be charged any fees on registration, onsite or online.

We also want to stimulate the participation of students and Student Participant fees are available to all colleagues who are currently studying and have not received their PhD/Doctorate yet (a proof of this status will be required on registration). Student fee is the same for onsite or online participation.

There will be no option for onsite registration in Lisbon. Please register on ConfTool until June 2!

The available Payment Options will be by wire transfer and PayPal. Details are given on the ConfTool registration form

We hope for your understanding that we will not be able to process refunds for any cancellations after June 9, 2025. Cancellations before that date are possible due to unavoidable causes, but we will keep a percentage (10%) of the total amount paid for administrative processing and to cover PayPal and bank transfer fees.

Registration will give access to conference material, the conference APP (to be announced), coffee-breaks, and conference reception.

Onsite and online participants will have access to recordings of the conference sessions after the conference is over.